Monday, April 29, 2013

Life Masters Update April 2013 - HPO's

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Life Masters
LeaderShift  & HPO Insights

Dear ,

We've received emails from you in the past. This is an update to share recent insights and discoveries, and to see if you qualify for a complimentary Executive Briefing. (See details below)

Are you interested in moving up to the next level of org performance?  Are you leveraging:

  1. Appreciative Inquiry & REAL Team Building
  2. Tribal & Higher Ground/Neuro Leadership
  3. Happiness@ Work & Staff Engagement
  4. High Performance Organisations Framework (HPO)
  5. Blue Ocean Innovation Games
  6. Action Advantage Ensurance System
  7. REAL Resilience
  8. Human Capital Development

Special Half Day Session - Inspiring HPO with Happiness, Appreciation, Resilience, Leadership R9950*

Hi-Performance Org has 5 Pillars

From research we now know the 5 pillars of High Performance organisations. Would you like to be able to manage and lead smarter with a deeper insights of what it takes to create a high performance culture and leadership style? 

 From his research, workshops, coaching and project execution/ change management insights and experiences.. .

Tony Dovale is sharing his wisdom through 1 hour talks, break-out sessions, half or full day workshops and multi-day retreats to fast-track knowledge,insights and application of tools, frameworks and process to transform  and optimise organisational culture, leadership. and performance.

Go beyond, engagement, happiness and wellness to building a THRIVING High Performance resilient team and Organisational Culture.

Complimentary Riding the Razor Report at

email here to see if you qualify for the complimentary Executive Briefing - 5 Greatest Opportunities to Transform performance in your Workplace. (Contains over R3,6 million worth of research and development.)

We now facilitate latest Leadership development, REAL Team Building, Happiness@work and appreciative inquiry change-management sessions.

* Travel & Materials fees may apply

Phone: ++27 (0)83-447-6300  |  Fax: Your Fax

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